Archive for May 2024
In trying to research and gather information about my grandparents on the Iwaniw side I came to a dead end. As I’ve posted before I have a copy of my grandfather’s church death record and I have copy of his church marriage record. Unfortunately, these result in more questions than in final answers. Both records show my grandfather, Michael, as the son of Basil Iwaniw. However, the dates don’t match. They are about 3 years difference. The marriage record state that Michael got married in 1902 at the age of 25. This would calculate his birth year as 1877. His death record states that he passed away in 1919 at the age of 36. This calculates his birth year as 1883. I haven’t been able to locate his birth record yet, but I’m working on it. It’s difficult because the records are actually limited or even non-existent for the period. I know that the name Iwaniw/Iwanow was a common surname for farmers in that region, but what are the odds of 2 different Michael Iwaniws with the father named Basil Iwaniw born 6 years apart?
It doesn’t help that a large portion of the church records have been either destroyed in the war or just simply lost.
So, I’m going to have to go back to the images of those records to determine if there are any other clues of information that I missed. One of the things you have to keep in mind is that there records were recorded by the parish priests and they not everyone would enter information that same way.
Tags: church records, Galacia Austro-Hungarian Empire, Iwaniw, iwaniw family history, iwaniw family research, Lutowiska, michael iwaniw
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I had the good fortune to encounter someone that was researching their family tree/history that included some information about my mother’s family. Due to this connection I was able to fill in information about my maternal ancestors back to my great-great-great parents on the Tyzbir side. The other person was researching their own family history and ended up including information about my grandfather, Gregory Tyzbir, lineage. One of the relatives of the other researchers married an descendant of Gregory & Anna Tyzbir. She was able to send me copies of the images of the church records for them. This allowed me to fill in quite a few gaps I had in the Tyzbir Family Tree. These images also gave me a starting point in my own review/search of the church records.
To that end I did find another birth records for a Petrus (Peter?) Tyzbir who was listed as born on 27 September 1904 born to Andreas Tyzbir and Euphrosinia Kuchar. Andreas & Euphrosinia are my great grandparents. This would then mean that there is a 20 year gap between the birth of my grandfather Gregory and Petrus Tyzbir. There may have been other children born to my great grandparents within that time period. That is where I’m at with my Tyzbir research; trying to find other children born to Andreas & Euphrosina.
Tags: Austro-Hungarian Empire, Family research, Galacia Austo-Hungarian Empire, Genealogy, Genealogy research, Gregory Tyzbir, Lysiatici, stryj, Tyzbir, tyzbir family, tyzbir family history, Ukraine
Posted in Stories, Update |